What Is Slag In Welding - Defects / Imperfections in Welds -Slag Inclusions

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Welding is not just joining two blocks of metals but is complete procedure work behind the welding process.

One of the most useful things is slag production. Now the question is, what is slag in welding?

Slag is a non-metallic solution that raises our welding panel after welding.

This slag production is essential because of its protective features.

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  • How slag produced?

Slag is a meltable solution that produced during welding through flux. Flux referred to as specified materialin an electrode with filler metal.That consumes when the electric arc produces heat after catching the heat the wire, simultaneously the flux meltdown, and solidified over the welding site with filler metal.

Flux is a multifunctional material that not only produces a slag but provides shield gas around the welding site to protect the welding point from environmental gases.

  • How slag gives prevention measures

As welding moves forward, the slag solidified our previous welding line. Slag production is to prevent molten metal from outside vapors, and environmental gases during it’shardened.

The actual process is working as; welding process works at high temperature and makes a joint between the broken metal. At a very high temperature, it takes time to re-stable and solidification. The time which takes by the metal for solidification is a time of protection. That means slag works as a protective layer over the welding site and prevents the environmental particles from involving in the welding site.

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Slag isn’t the part of base metal. It just worked as a productive layer. And solidify over the welding site.

Slag is not strong enough to hold for the whole time.

It must be cheap off operation time or on another attempt of welding.

  • Problem with slag

Slag must solidify on time. Although if it doesn’t consolidate at the time, there should be some problem with slag. Or it may not be handled well.

In most cases, an experienced worker makes that mistake. And the results may be severe.

Because of the welding torch is not handled well, this leg may not work correctly and environmental impurities embedded at the site. In that case, the welding joint loses its durability.


What is slag in welding? The point itself is a significant point to discuss. A person related to the welding field should acknowledge the slag function. This article provides information about slag production during welding.

Beginners, as well as professionals, must know about all the relevant information about welding. The symbol of a good welderis that he knows about the welding process that was behind its work.

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