How To Wire Feed Welding - Right Way & Details by Expert

  • IntroductionGoplus MIG 130 Welder AC Flux Core Wire Automatic Feed Welder Welding Machine w/Free Mask Commercial (Black)

Welding techniques are most common and reliable for joining cracks between the metal. Various methods of welding applied according to the availability and nature of the objects. And, one of the popular welding is wire feed. But do you know how to wire feed welding.

If we talk about the standard and easily adoptable technique, then it is Wire feed welding.

Section of electric arc welding covers the descriptive study of Wire feed welding. It is easy to learn and apply due to its simple mechanism.

Here, we will mention a common mistake about the concept of wire feed welding and wire welding.

These are two different types of welding. In wire feed welding inert gas shield is used while there is no gaseous shield present in simple wire welding.

  • Principle of Wire Feed Welding

ETOSHA No Gas 140 MIG Welder 140Amp Flux Core Wire Gasless Automatic Feed Welder, 110V-Orange The process of wire feed welding is joining the metals by heating the base metal and wire through intensive heat generated by an electric arc—the applied electric arc heat up the base metal.

At the same time, it heats the wire act as a filling agent in the cracks to make a strong weld joint.

The external gas cylinder makes the gas shield that inhibits the reaction between environmental gases and base metal.

As per chemistry rule, expanded electrons of metal rapidly reacts with nearly present gas molecules.

And we know heat to cause expansion of particles present in the ore. Here a question strikes the brain” why shielding gas doesn’t react with metal?” Because the inert gases used in this shield and we know inert gases cannot respond with anything. The selection of shielding gas depends upon the nature of the workpiece.

  • Typical uses of Wire Feed Welding

Soldering Gun, NEWACALOX Automatic 60W Electronics Solder Iron Gun Kit, Soldering Tools with Desoldering Pump, Tweezers, Soldering Wires, for Jewelry, Home DIY, Circuit Board Repair Both thick and thin metals can weld by wire feed welding. Wire Feed welding is experienced best in welding of stainless steel and aluminum metals.

Mainly it is used in automobile manufacturing industries.

The parts of cars, motorbikes, and heavy transport vehicles imply joined by using the technique of wire feed welding.

Its efficiency doesn’t vary over the size of metal. The bond of wire feed welding remains reliable over the years.

It still used in the construction sector. Steel metal primarily used in construction. In contrast, wire feed welding is considered best for steel metal.

  • Advantages of wire feed Welding

    1. The main advantage of wire feed welding is the presence of the shield of inert gases. This shield inhibits atmospheric gases with a workpiece. Thus a strong bond is made.
    2. The wire feed welding machine can be adjusted manually and automatically. This property provides a high comfort level to the user. It saves time, and work can perform fastly.
    3. Mainly flux is not used in wire feed welding, so the chances of slag production reduced.
    4. It has better weld pool visibility.
    5. Fundamental skills are needed to apply wire feed welding. No expertise needed.
  • Disadvantages of wire feed welding

    1. Radiation effects mainly observed in wire feed welding. In some cases, it is a health hazard.
    2. Its initial setup cost is much high. The average person cannot afford its setup.
    3. The addition of new electronic devices increases their operational cost.
    4. Wire feed welding needs a suitable atmosphere. It cannot operate in an open environment. It needs to be controlled atmospheric conditions for its functionality.


It’s all about how to wire feed welding? As mentioned above, confusion disturbs the beginners’ technical knowledge about the difference between wire feed welding and simple wire welding. So, know details about how to wire welding as well as wire feed welding.

Remember, in wire feed welding, frequently flux is not used. Instead of flux, relevant wire to the base metal used in wire feed welding. Gas cylinder present produces a gas shield over the workplace to inhibit unnecessary reactions.

While in wire welding flux is used, that’s why it is called flux welding. And there is no gas cylinder present in wire welding.

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